SDT340 Data Collection Device and
UAS 3.0 Analysis Software
Ultrasound testing (UT) is a key element to a successful Asset Management program. Thanks to this technology, it ensures that the reliability created in your factory and the savings in your operating costs are at world standards.
SDT270 detects leaks in your systems quickly and easily so that you can achieve substantial energy savings. Another application for SDT270; It is a bearing Condition Monitoring application, especially for oil optimization. It allows you to do this at the optimum level while lubricating a bearing with the SDT270. Thus, you prevent friction, premature wear, heat increase and efficiency losses.
Also; With SDT270, you can easily and safely detect dangerous electrical leaks such as arc, tracking and corona.
With ULTRANALYSIS @ SUITE (UAS) and SDT270, which are constantly updated, you can benefit from the advantages of ultrasound technology to overcome problems in a wide variety of application areas.
Sertifikalı Gemi Ambar Kapağı Testçisi SDT-IMCS Eğitimi
SDT International, katılımcıların "Certified Operator qualified for ultrasonic hatch cover tightness testing with the Class Type Approved Sherlog Master" olmasını sağlamak için yıl içinde bir dizi eğitim düzenliyor. Eğitimler, 2 tam gün boyunca süren eğitim, IACS UR Z17 kapsamındaki tüm gerekli konuları kapsayacak şekilde geliştirilmiştir.